Nora’s Project Portfolio Breakdown
Updated 4/30/2024
AutoIPI [50%]
1) PM of sample tracking
- Tracking dashboard w/ Vrinda
2) Partner #2
- Sanofi, Gilead, Merck
- Pipeline dev - identify potential partner 2,3,4,5
- Additional autoimmune pipelines - meeting w/ clinicians
3) Fires or long term issues
- PA + Derm indications
- Finish partner 1 modeling: clinical data
- Milestone payment + Biannual
- 80% data delivered
4) Budget
- Monitor burnout/runway
OCR- project development [25%]
1) CRU dashboard: Cancer/SOM teams with Lina
2) Diversification
3) OCR-like groups at other institutions
- Stanford?
4) CRC/PM tasks management
- Biweekly meetings with ppt updates in Box
5) State of the OCR Meetings
- Lead + make ppt presentation
CIT “Concierge” [25%]
1) Pilot Monitoring
- Team meetings/progress updates
2) Grant writing/donor portion - possibly include Gabe
3) Make CIT report